Emotion Decision Method of A Situation-based for Emotion Study of Animation Lion King in Film.Animation Analysis
Jong Dae Kim, Guoxu Liu, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of Image and Cultural Contents, 2019, 16, 265-286. [DOI]
Camera Motion Detection Using Estimation of Motion Vector's Angle.Camera Motion Estimation Jae Ho Kim, Jang Hoon Lee, Soeun Jang. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2018, 21(9), 1052-1061. [DOI]
Camera Motion Detection Using Estimation of Motion Vector's Angle.Camera Motion Estimation Jae Ho Kim, Jang Hoon Lee, Soeun Jang. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2018, 21(9), 1052-1061. [DOI]
A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Main Actor's Conflict Emotions in Animation Film's Turning Point.
Tae Rin Lee, Jong Dae Kim, Guoxu Liu, Ingabire Jesse, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2018, 34, 275-290. [DOI]
Study of SUVm Cut-off Value for the Distinction of Pancreatic Cancer In PET/CT Exam.
Boseok Chang, Jae Ho Kim, Guoxu Liu, Eun Sung Jang. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2017, 17(10), 567-575. [DOI]
Analysis Model of Movie Storytelling Based on the Narrative 17 Process.
Bongsun Sung, Tae Rin Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2017, 20(9), 1596-1605. [DOI]
Research of the Strength of Super Personal Conflicts in Animations using Pseudo Inverse. Jae Ho Kim, Zheng Yang Zhang, Yu Chao Wang, So Eun Jang, Tae Rin Lee. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2017, 30, 41-56. [DOI]
Analysis of Conflict Intensity and VST Factor In the Animation Conflict Scene.
Tae Rin Lee, Danni Chen, YuChao Wang, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2017, 29, 279-292. [DOI]
Usefulness of Scan Position Change on Dual Time Point PET-CT in Pancreas Cancer.
Boseok Chang, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology, 2016, 10(5), 299-305. [DOI]
Integrated Analysis of Visual Story Telling and Original Sound Track of ‘Alladin’ Animation.
So Eun Jang, Liang Lou, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2016, 24, 375-388. [DOI]
A Proposed model of Dividing and Finding Emotion in Animation Incident - Focused on 'Lion King'-.
Jong Dae Kim, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2016, 24, 119-134. [DOI]
An Analysis of Visual Storytelling Characteristics of Desire in Animation - Regarding Affiliation, Achievement, and Nurturance.
Weiyi Jiang, Yuchao Wang, Jong Dae Kim, Danni Chin, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2017, 19(6), 1074-1088. [DOI]
Fusion Analysis of Visual Story Telling and Original Sound Track of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Animation.
So Eun Jang, Yoo Shin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2016, 23, 295-307. [DOI]
Animation OST Musical Element Analysis based on A Narrative Process Classification Model.
Soeun Jang, Bongsun Sung, Jang Hoon Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2014, 17(10), 1239-1252. [DOI]
Classification model of the 17 functional program narrative of animation.
Bongsun Sung, Mijin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. Archives of Design Research, 2013, 26(1), 213-229. [DOI]
User's Emotion Modeling on Dynamic Narrative Structure : towards of Film and Game.
Mijin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2012, 12(1), 103-111. [DOI]
Identification Patterns for Immersion of Visual Storytelling - Based on Disney Animation -.
Young A Kim, Seung Yun Shin, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2012, 12(7), 54-64. [DOI]
Verification of the Effectiveness of the Identification Directing in Animation.
Young A Kim, Seung Yun Shin, Un Hee Lee, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2012, 12(10), 43-53. [DOI]
Character Facial Animation Retargeting based on SVG.
Gi Tae Kang, Soo Hyeon Hong, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2011, 14(6), 824-834.
Making Packets from Animation Gestures - Based on the Effort Element of LMA -.
Mi Young Lee, Soo Hyeon Hong, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2011, 11(3), 179-189. [DOI]
Expression of Anthropomorphized Animal Characters in Animations - focused on the Animation of America -.
Young Suk Lee, Soo Hyeon Hong, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2010, 10(11), 125-135. [DOI]
Visual Rhythm of Thriller Movies's Opening Title - Focusing on Identity.
Seung Yun Shin, Bong Sun Sung, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2010, 13(9), 1365-1372.
Analytic Framework of Emotion Factors for Gameplay Capability.
Mijin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2010, 10(6), 188-196. [DOI]
A Study on the Step of Anthropomorphizing Animal Characters in Animations.
Young Sook Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2009, 12(11), 1661-1670.
Analysis of Kinetic Composition for the Visual Story Telling of Animation.
Bong Sun Sung, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korean Society of Design Science, 2009, 22(3), 273-284.
Before 2008
Perceived Dimensions of Animation Character Faces by Personality.
Hae-Young Ko, Jae-Sik Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korean Society of Design Science, 2008, 21(5), 183-192.
Automatic Color Transformation of Characters Between 2D Animation Scenes Using Neural Network.
Hyun Sun Jung, Jae Sik Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2008, 11(9), 1286-1295.
A Fast Fractal Decoding Algorithm using Averaged-Image Estimation.
Yong Ho Moon, Tae Hui Park, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 1998, 23(9), 2355. [URL]
고속 프랙탈 영상 복원을 위한 초기 영상 추정.
문용호, 박태희, 백광열, 김재호, 손경식. 한국통신학회논문지, 1997, 22(2), 325-333. [URL]