YOLO-Tomato: A Robust Algorithm for Tomato Detection based on YOLOv3.Fruit Detection
Guoxu Liu, Joseph Christian Nouaze, Philippe Lyonel Touko, Jae Ho Kim. Sensors, 2020, 20(7), 2145 [PDF] (SCIE)
Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy (BIS) Monitoring of Lettuce during 19 Hours.BIS
Joseph Christian Nouaze, Philippe Lyonel Touko, Guoxu Liu, Jae Hyung Kim, Jae Ho Kim. 2020 8th International Symposium on Sensor Science (I3S 2020) (Accepted)
Facial Expression Recognition of Animated Human Characters.Facial Recognition
Guoxu Liu, Hui Jin, Hailong Jiang, Jae Ho Kim. 2020 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2020) (Accepted)
A Mature-Tomato Detection Algorithm Using Machine Learning and Color Analysis.Fruit Detection
Guoxu Liu, Shuyi Mao, Jae Ho Kim. Sensors, 2019, 19(9), 2023 [PDF] (SCIE)
Emotion Decision Method of A Situation-based for Emotion Study of Animation Lion King in Film.Animation Analysis
Jong Dae Kim, Guoxu Liu, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of Image and Cultural Contents, 2019, 16, 265-286. [DOI]
A Robust Mature Tomato Detection in Greenhouse Scenes Using Machine Learning and Color Analysis.Fruit Detection
Guoxu Liu, Shuyi Mao, Hui Jin, Jae Ho Kim. 2019 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2019) [PDF]
Camera Motion Detection Using Estimation of Motion Vector's Angle.Camera Motion Estimation Jae Ho Kim, Jang Hoon Lee, Soeun Jang. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2018, 21(9), 1052-1061. [DOI]
A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Main Actor's Conflict Emotions in Animation Film's Turning Point.Animation Analysis
Tae Rin Lee, Jong Dae Kim, Guoxu Liu, Ingabire Jesse, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2018, 34, 275-290. [DOI]
Various Camera Motion Type Estimation of Animation Sequences.Camera Motion Estimation
Hailong Jiang, Guoxu Liu, Jae Ho Kim. 2017 Conference KMMS [Poster]
Study of SUVm Cut-off Value for the Distinction of Pancreatic Cancer In PET/CT Exam.PET/CT
Boseok Chang, Jae Ho Kim, Guoxu Liu, Eun Sung Jang. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2017, 17(10), 567-575. [DOI]
Analysis Model of Movie Storytelling Based on the Narrative 17 Process.Animation Analysis
Bongsun Sung, Tae Rin Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2017, 20(9), 1596-1605. [DOI]
Research of the Strength of Super Personal Conflicts in Animations using Pseudo Inverse.Animation Analysis Jae Ho Kim, Zheng Yang Zhang, Yu Chao Wang, So Eun Jang, Tae Rin Lee. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2017, 30, 41-56. [DOI]
Analysis of Conflict Intensity and VST Factor In the Animation Conflict Scene.Animation Analysis
Tae Rin Lee, Danni Chen, YuChao Wang, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2017, 29, 279-292. [DOI]
Usefulness of Scan Position Change on Dual Time Point PET-CT in Pancreas Cancer.PET/CT
Boseok Chang, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology, 2016, 10(5), 299-305. [DOI]
Integrated Analysis of Visual Story Telling and Original Sound Track of ‘Alladin’ Animation.Animation Analysis
So Eun Jang, Liang Lou, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2016, 24, 375-388. [DOI]
A Proposed model of Dividing and Finding Emotion in Animation Incident - Focused on 'Lion King'-.Animation Analysis
Jong Dae Kim, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2016, 24, 119-134. [DOI]
An Analysis of Visual Storytelling Characteristics of Desire in Animation - Regarding Affiliation, Achievement, and Nurturance.Animation Analysis
Weiyi Jiang, Yuchao Wang, Jong Dae Kim, Danni Chin, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2017, 19(6), 1074-1088. [DOI]
Fusion Analysis of Visual Story Telling and Original Sound Track of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Animation.Animation Analysis
So Eun Jang, Yoo Shin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. Korea Science & Art Forum, 2016, 23, 295-307. [DOI]
Animation OST Musical Element Analysis based on A Narrative Process Classification Model.Animation Analysis
Soeun Jang, Bongsun Sung, Jang Hoon Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2014, 17(10), 1239-1252. [DOI]
Fast multiple run_before decoding method for efficient implementation of an H.264/advanced video coding context-adaptive variable length coding decoder.Video Coding
Dae Wook Ki, Jae Ho Kim. Optical Engineering, 2013, 52(7). (SCIE)
Classification model of the 17 functional program narrative of animation.Animation Analysis
Bongsun Sung, Mijin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. Archives of Design Research, 2013, 26(1), 213-229. [DOI]
User's Emotion Modeling on Dynamic Narrative Structure : towards of Film and Game.Animation Analysis
Mijin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2012, 12(1), 103-111. [DOI]
Identification Patterns for Immersion of Visual Storytelling - Based on Disney Animation -.Animation Analysis
Young A Kim, Seung Yun Shin, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2012, 12(7), 54-64. [DOI]
Verification of the Effectiveness of the Identification Directing in Animation.Animation Analysis
Young A Kim, Seung Yun Shin, Un Hee Lee, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2012, 12(10), 43-53. [DOI]
Character Facial Animation Retargeting based on SVG.Animation Analysis
Gi Tae Kang, Soo Hyeon Hong, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2011, 14(6), 824-834.
Making Packets from Animation Gestures - Based on the Effort Element of LMA -.Animation Analysis
Mi Young Lee, Soo Hyeon Hong, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2011, 11(3), 179-189. [DOI]
Expression of Anthropomorphized Animal Characters in Animations - focused on the Animation of America -.Animation Analysis
Young Suk Lee, Soo Hyeon Hong, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2010, 10(11), 125-135. [DOI]
Visual Rhythm of Thriller Movies's Opening Title - Focusing on Identity.Animation Analysis
Seung Yun Shin, Bong Sun Sung, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2010, 13(9), 1365-1372.
Analytic Framework of Emotion Factors for Gameplay Capability.Animation Analysis
Mijin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2010, 10(6), 188-196. [DOI]
A New Low-Complexity Integer Distortion Estimation Method for H.264/AVC Encoder.Video Coding
Jeong Mee Moon, Jae Ho Kim. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 2010, 20(2), 207-212. (SCIE)
A Study on the Step of Anthropomorphizing Animal Characters in Animations.Animation Analysis
Young Sook Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2009, 12(11), 1661-1670.
Analysis of Kinetic Composition for the Visual Story Telling of Animation.Animation Analysis
Bong Sun Sung, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korean Society of Design Science, 2009, 22(3), 273-284.
Before 2008
Macroblock-based adaptive interpolation filter method using new filter selection in H.264/AVC.Video Coding
Kun Su Yoon, Jae Ho Kim. MMSP, 2008, 409-412.
Perceived Dimensions of Animation Character Faces by Personality.Animation Analysis
Hae-Young Ko, Jae-Sik Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korean Society of Design Science, 2008, 21(5), 183-192.
Automatic Color Transformation of Characters Between 2D Animation Scenes Using Neural Network.Animation Analysis
Hyun Sun Jung, Jae Sik Lee, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2008, 11(9), 1286-1295.
A Computation Reduction Method for RDO Mode Decision Based on an Approximation of the Distortion.
Jeong Mee Moon, Yong Ho Moon, Jae Ho Kim. 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, (ICIP 2006), 2481-2484.
A hybrid motion vector coding scheme based on an estimation of the locality for motion vector difference.
Yong Ho Moon, Dae Wook Ki, Jae Ho Kim. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 2006, 16(6), 781-785. (SCIE)
An improved H.264/AVC video encoding based on a new syntax element.Video Coding
S. H. Baek, Yong Ho Moon, Jae Ho Kim. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation: Special Issue on H.264, 2006, 17(2), 345-357. (SCIE)
An improved early detection algorithm for all-zero DCT blocks in H.264 video encoding.Video Coding
Yong Ho Moon, Dae Wook Ki, Jae Ho Kim. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 2005, 15(8), 1053-1057. (SCIE)
An efficient decoding of CAVLC in H.264/AVC video coding standard.Video Coding
Yong Ho Moon, Gyu Yeong Kim, Jae Ho Kim. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2005, 51(3), 933-938. (SCIE)
Fast full-search motion estimation based on multilevel successive elimination algorithm.
Tae Gyoung Ahn, Yong Ho Moon, Jae Ho Kim. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 2004, 14(11), 1265-1269. (SCIE)
Efficient DCT and quantization algorithm based on eliminating redundant computations in H.264 video encoding.Video Coding
Yong Ho Moon, Se Hyeok Park, Jae Ho Kim. Optical Engineering, 2004, 43(12). [DOI] (SCIE)
Improved multilevel successive eliminination algorithm using efficient decision condition.
Tae Gyoung Ahn, Yong Ho Moon, Jae Ho Kim. Optical Engineering, 2003, 42(11), 3247-3253. (SCIE)
A fast fractal decoding algorithm based on the selection of an initial image.
Yong Ho Moon, Hyung Soon Kim, Jae Ho Kim. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2000, 9(5), 941-945. (SCIE)
A novel fast fractal decoding algorithm.
Yong Ho Moon, Hyung Soon Kim, Yoo Shin Kim, Jae Ho Kim. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 1999, 14(2), 325-333. (SCIE)
A Fast Fractal Decoding Algorithm using Averaged-Image Estimation.
Yong Ho Moon, Tae Hui Park, Jae Ho Kim. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 1998, 23(9), 2355. [URL]
Fast fractal decoding algorithm with convergence criteria.
Yong Ho Moon, Kwang Ryul Baek, Yoon Soo Kim, Jae Ho Kim. Optical Engineering, 1997, 36(7), 1992-2000. (SCIE)
고속 프랙탈 영상 복원을 위한 초기 영상 추정.
문용호, 박태희, 백광열, 김재호, 손경식. 한국통신학회논문지, 1997, 22(2), 325-333. [URL]
인지 왜곡 척도를 사용한 프랙탈 영상 압축.
문용호, 박기웅, 손경식, 김윤수, 김재호. 한국통신학회논문지, 1996, 21(3), 587-599. [URL]
고속 프랙탈 복원 알고리듬.
문용호, 김형순, 손경식, 김윤수, 김재호. 한국통신학회논문지, 1996, 21(3), 564-575. [URL]
New edge-enhanced error diffusion algorithm based on the error sum criterion. Jae Ho Kim, Tae I. Chung, Hyung S. Kim, Kyung S. Son, Yoon-Soo Kim. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 1995, 4(2), 172-179. (SCIE)
DSP를 이용한 적응보상기가 있는 적응잡음제거기의 하드웨어 구현.
김대경, 박장식, 김형순, 김재호, 손경식. 한국통신학회논문지, 1995, 20(7), 1885-1895. [URL]
Fractal image compression using human visual system.
Yong Ho Moon, Kyung Sik Son, Hyung Soon Kim, Yoon-Soo Kim, Jae Ho Kim. IS&T/SPIE's Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1995, San Jose, CA, United States. [DOI]